ATTENTION Firefighters:
"Learn How to Ace the Oral Board without stress!"
"3 Steps to Pass Your Interview with Flying Colors"
(Normally $997 Today Just $7)
"These Are The SAME Tools I Used To Successfully Test #1 On The List And Then Help Others Reach The Top !!!
(Normally $997 - For Just $7)

Dear friend,

If you are an experienced firefighter who struggles to talk about yourself, you are not alone. Many of the best firefighters are absolutely terrible at oral boards. 

I have been there and I understand the feeling. 

Doing well with an oral board requires a unique skillset that isn't taught in your fire academy. You need to train and prepare this skill just like any other skill.

I have discovered a proven method to oral board success and would like to share with you. 


Josh Wells

Here are a few examples of people who have been successful following this program!!!

"My  Painful Path To Promotion Wasn't Easy"

I failed my first promotional test for company officer back in 2009, and it was embarrassing. I felt like a big disappointment to my family, my peers, and myself because I flopped big time. 

My older brother Aaron also had a similar experience of not doing well on a promotional test for company officer.

My failed test was hard, but it hurt more to see my brother struggle because he had way more time and experience. He was my BIG BROTHER, and I always looked up to him.

He had all the experience, the training, the respect of his peers,  and most of the command staff wanted him to promote. 

So what went wrong?

Unfortunately, he didn’t score very well, and the feedback he got was....

 “You just didn’t sell yourself well. You have everything it takes, but it didn’t come across in the test.”


He got passed up by a younger firefighter he supervised, trained, and mentored. All because of an oral board!

He was discouraged but he didn’t give up.

I felt his pain and resolved that I would test for Captain again and pave a path to success. 

It wasn’t easy. I was stressed, spent countless hours training, and invested $35,374 in a year on coaching and training programs. Many of the trainings were specific to firefighting, but also I also took courses on speaking, interviews, leadership, etc. 

It was a long busy season but when it came to my test, it all paid off, and I got #1 on the list! BOOM! 

This was such a tremendous accomplishment! My family was proud, and my peers were inspired. It was a pivotal moment in my career. 

I enjoyed the success for a while, but I knew this was only the beginning. I had a moral obligation and duty to share what I learned with those who struggle, just like my big bro.

I see their value, I see their potential, I see how beneficial their promotion is to the community and department they serve. They just need to figure out how to win these tests! 

I had the unique honor to share what I learned about oral boards with my brother. In addition to my help, he also had great support from many others in his department.

Come test day; he was ready... And it all paid off! 

He did exceptional on his test! 

Shortly after his test, he got promoted to Captain. I had the privilege of being there when his wife placed the captain's badge on his uniform.

I am so proud of him!

Helping good firefighters get promoted.

Since then, I have had the honor of helping my cousin promote to Captain with Northwest Fire District in Tucson. I helped my other cousin land his dream job as a firefighter with Phoenix Fire Department. 

I have also helped other firefighters in various departments across the United States. 

If you are ready for your promotion but just struggle with the promotional testing process, I can help you succeed. 

I can help guide you, but you must be willing do the work.

“In all the preparation for a promotional test, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The Promotion Playbook gave me a simple guide to follow so I knew exactly what to do every day to stay on course. This process not only helped me succeed on the Captain’s test, but it also made me a better person. I highly recommend this program!”

Dylan Lee
Northwest Fire District, AZ
“Thank you Captain Wells for putting together The Promotion Playbook. Your time, energy, and effort created a straightforward approach to attacking a promotional process at any level of the fire service. The Promotional Playbook helped me get my dream job with the Phoenix Fire Department. It provides an applicable roadmap that can be used to approach any major life goal/promotion.” 

Derek Dee
Firefighter/Paramedic, Phoenix Fire Department, AZ

"The Oral Board Preparation Toolkit"
Everything You Get Inside The Oral Board Preparation Toolkit...

​Full Access to The Oral Board Prep Sheets Template & Training Video. 
(Value $497)

​Full Access To The Home Run Oral Board Template & Implementation Video 
(Value $297)

Instant Access To The Firefighters Guide to Telling Great Stories 
(Value $197)

51 Sample Oral Board Questions 
(Value $197)

Total Value: $1,108

For Only $7.00
Yes... for about the price of only $7, you can get access to a framework that took me $35,374 and over 10,000 hours of training to create.. 

Give Me Instant Access To The The Oral Board Preparation Toolkit And Training RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
~I discovered a process that works... 
IF you do the work.~
This picture on the right is a firefighter I helped and he placed #1 on his engineer test.

Fortunately we have been able to work together on the same crew since then. 
When You Get Your Copy Of 
"The Oral Board Preparation Toolkit"
(For Just $7.00)
You'll Get All Of These Bonuses!
Bonus #1 - Oral Board Prep Sheets Template &
video to explain how to implement the toolkit.
"Learn How to ace the Oral Board!"
Total Value: $497
This video will take you step by step through the tools provided in the Oral Board Preparation Toolkit. 

Included with the video is a The Oral Board Prep Sheets so you can put all this training into practice. 

Bonus #2 - The Home Run Oral Board Template & Implementation Video
"Learn How to Ace the Oral Board!"
Total Value: $297
~This basic framework will guide you through the flow of answering oral board questions. 

Get This For FREE When You Order 
'"The Oral Board Preparation Toolkit"' Today!  
Bonus #3 - The Firefighters Guide to Telling Great Stories
"Learn How to Ace the Oral Board!"
Total Value: $197
Learn how to captivate your oral board panel by telling amazing stories.
This bonus includes 
-The Story Blueprint Template
-The Story Map
-The Unspoken Art of the Oral Board Tool
This also include a video for each!!!
Get This For FREE When You Order 
'"The Oral Board Preparation Toolkit"' Today! 
Bonus #4 - 51 Sample Oral Board Questions
"Learn How to Ace the Oral Board!"
Total Value: $197
These 51 questions are selected based on the 3 areas on the Oral Board Prep sheets.
These are unique questions that will help you think outside the box and be ready for anything the oral board throws at you.
Get This For FREE When You Order 
'"The Oral Board Preparation Toolkit"' Today! 
There Is NO CATCH!
When promoted I made a promise to my mentors that I would continue to shared what I learned with others. 

If you are the right person for the job I want you to be successful. 

This training is my duty and moral obligation to help others reach their best. 

Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
This program will adapt and evolve over time so you need to act fast if you want to lock in this incredibly low price. 

Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
~My goal is to overdeliver and give you way more value then $7 with this toolkit.

~If you get the toolkit, and DO THE WORK, and are not happy let me know and I am happy to refund the $7.

~This program is not for everyone and if its not a good fit for you, that is no problem. 

~I can't guarantee you will get promoted but I absolutely guarantee that IF you DO THE WORK, you will dramatically improve your skills at the oral board process.  

~If you speak well about your self, the position and the department this will dramatically improve many other parts of your test also. 

You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order 
"The Oral Board Preparation Toolkit".
Give Me Instant Access To The Oral Board Prep Tool Kit And Training RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
  Instant Access To Oral Board Prep Sheets Template &
video to explain how to implement the toolkit.  (Value $497)
  The Home Run Oral Board Template & Implementation Video  (Value $297)
  The Firefighters Guide to Telling Great Stories (Value $197)
  51 Sample Oral Board Questions (Value $197)
Total Value: $1,188
Today Just $7
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
Everything Your Going To Get
  • ​Full Access to The Oral Board Prep Sheets Template & Training Video. (Value $497)
  • ​Full Access To The Home Run Oral Board Template & Implementation Video (Value $297)
  • Instant Access To The Firefighters Guide to Telling Great Stories (Value $197)
  • 51 Sample Oral Board Questions (Value $197)
Total Value: $1,188
Today Just $7

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $47: The 7 Strategies Mindset Training Course. Includes videos, audio recordings, and 7 tools to ensure you have a bulletproof mindset going into your promotional test. Each strategy includes a practical tool to implement on your path to promotional test success.

Items Total
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
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